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    Szász Lilla – Szmolka Zoltán: ’Histories of Love’ (2019 – 2020)

    As its title suggests, the book consists of three chapters, three ‘Love stories’. If we follow them in linear order, from the observation of the outside world that surrounds us, we reach my own, personal story of love.
    With Zoltán Szmolka, designer and editor of the book we built up the draft of the book from the unruly forest of these stories.
    The three chapters are valid entities separately and together too. They have a loose connection, loose attachment. Yet, they are very closely connected. Love and the universal values of love tie them together.
    This book is the first collaboration as part of Lab4art giclée art book series, supported by Lab4Art.

    Photos: Lilla Szász
    Book edit, design and binding: Zoltán Szmolka
