No bread for us at men’s’ tables: Women in dictatorships and in modern societies (2018 -) I have very nice breasts, if only they weren’t mine. As a single woman in her 40s, I do not receive any help from the state, I do not get…
Mornings, afternoons, evenings, 2018–2023 The focus of this series is my grandmother, who has Alzheimer’s disease and is cared for by her daughters in the countryside. Although she is never…
Seven hundred meters (2023 – ) In 2016, Cuba’s government, which tightly controlled access to information and technology, set up state-run Wi-Fi hotspots across Havana. While news, culture, and trends from around the world…
Streetfashion (2018-2022) In 1976, Tibor Hajas produced his black-and-white film Self-Fashion Show depicting people passing through Moszkva Square. They are simple passersby appearing in front of the camera, but the producers of the movie…
GREETINGS FROM MY NEW HOME (2018-2020) Greetings From My New Home is the story of the retornados, the nearly 800,000 Portuguese citizens who were resettled from Portuguese colonies in Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and São…
HISTORIES OF LOVE (2009-2018) Histories of Love discusses the eternal topic of love, focusing on my friends, relationships, trying to find answers to this unanswerable question: What ties people together.
THE TRIBAL CHIEF (2015-2016) Commissioned work made for the exhibition: Our heart is a different country. The Tribal Chief is a monologue photo-diary. It flashes memories from the life of a middle-aged man, living with…
POSITIVE (2014-2015) ‘Positive’ presents a subjective interpretation of a life with HIV that contradicts all stereotypes. The photo-film follows the past 15 years of Martha’s life; following Martha’s voice, the Lilla Szász…
NATIONAL CONSULTATION ON THE INTERNET (2014) National Consultation on the Internet is based on a fake National Consultation questionnaire about the planned internet tax as a reflection to the National Consultations used by the present government….
HAPPY NEW YEAR (2013-2014) Happy New Year is a communication between two women. One has already passed away. The other has just moved in the flat of the old woman to start a new…
MENDI (2013) Mendi is a former porn star who lives together with her mother and her sister’s son, Richard, an Autistic boy. Mendi cares about them both. The project is about the…
WALDSEE 1944 (2014) Commissioned work made for the exhibition: Waldsee 1944. Waldsee 1944 was organized to commemorate the 565.000 Jews who perished during the Second World War. It is to remember the Hungarian deportations…
DEVOTION (2010-2012) Commissioned work made for the exhibition Generations and amnesia / remembrance Devotion (2014) is a three-part-project (Uniform (2010-2014), God Bless America, God Bless Israel (2010-2014) and My grandfather’s medal (2013-2014)),…
COMRADES Comrades documents the lives of Russian Jewish Veterans living in Brighton Beach, New York. As members of the Russian army, these people fiercely fought German occupation from 1941 to 1945….
MOTHER MICHAEL GOES TO HEAVEN (2008-2010) Mother Michael Goes To Heaven is a life of a family living with prostitution, poverty and unrequited love.
MAKE UP (2009) – PART OF SERIES HISTORIES OF LOVE (2009-2018) Make up is about friendship. About pure love. About intimacy of a situation.
MOONFLOWER (2006-2007) Moonflower follows the lives of homeless mothers living in shelter homes after escaping from domestic violence.
DESIRES (2005) Desires is a project about young teenage girls, their hopes, their wishes and their dreams about future.
SUNBATHERS (1998) Sunbathers are poor people staying every day at the wall of Peter-Paul Fortress from February until late November in Saint Petersburg.
The children of Perestroyka (1998) Perestroika brought an end to censorship and lifted the Iron Curtain, and in the 1990s, led to the introduction of the long-awaited market. This project is about how the youth…