Om BORI (DE), Magdalena FREY (AT), Klaudia JANUSKÓ, Mara OLÁH OMARA (1945-2020), Flóra POPRÁDI, Lilla SZÁSZ, Zsuzsi UJJ, Stephanie WINTER (AT)
Curator: Veronika Molnár
Liget Gallery, celebrating its fortieth anniversary this year, has continuously provided the opportunity to Hungarian and international artists to present their works reflecting female perspectives, applying the frameworks of feminism in a conscious or latent manner. Unveiling, the first exhibition in the gallery’s renewed space, brings back the works of four women artists who had a significant role in the gallery’s history, showing their works on multiple occasions over the last four decades. The works of Magdalena Frey (AT), Oláh Mara OMARA, Lilla Szász (HU), and Zsuzsi Ujj (HU) presented in this unparalleled group exhibition evoke, expand or implicitly connote the artists’ previous appearances in the Gallery in which they used their bodies as their primary medium to pose questions and investigate taboos regarding traditional female roles through the devices of dressing-up, fragmentation, and forthright documentation.
As authoritarian tendencies are on the rise at present, there is a palpable increase in the endeavor to keep women’s bodies and sexuality under control. We see this happening with the abolition of constitutional abortion rights in the United States, the cessation of gender studies in Hungary, and the recent actions taken by Iran’s morality police. For these reasons, Liget Gallery continues to express its political position through art with the inclusion of additional artists who are consciously reacting to these processes. Selected works by Om Bori, Klaudia Januskó, Flóra Poprádi, and Stephanie Winter foreshadow the future orientations of the Gallery, which will focus on topics somewhat neglected by mainstream art institutions, such as intersectionality and cyberfeminism.
The exhibition aims to create a synergy where the voices of multiple generations blend and where the past and future efforts of the Gallery coincide. The title of the exhibition was inspired by Om Bori’s work titled “without headscarf” (2016).
Special thanks to Tibor Várnagy, Kata Oltai, Noumen Studio
Partners: acb Gallery, Everybody Needs Art/Longtermhandstand, Inda Gallery, MissionArt Gallery, Walter’s Cube